28 June 2009

Promised & Delivered

I promised them this:

and I delivered...

more photos and how to deliver authentic HRC in my facebook. HERE.

26 June 2009

Who is a Pastor?

黄迪华牧师(博士)在他新设立的部落格“彩虹的荣美”其中一篇文章里提出“谁是牧者”Who is a Pastor? 中提出下列几道问题:

  1. 谁是传道
  2. 谁是牧者
  3. 牧者是怎样产生的?
  4. 牧者的职事
  5. 牧者的问责


身为一位平信徒,我想我比较感兴趣的是第四及第五道问题:什么是牧者的职事以及 牧者向谁问责





“在多元政治与多元宗教的本土处境,这些提问也可以成为神学硕士 (Master of Theology)或教牧学博士 (Doctor of Ministry)或神学博士 (Doctor of Theology)的论文研究体裁。你有负担和兴趣吗?”

是的!! 你有兴趣吗?把你的提问挣扎、建议等等化成一股推动力,付诸行动吧!!

24 June 2009

Standard haircut for boy

Attention!! All school boys out there, the following are the "standard" haircut for you guys:




Not like this one below!!

better go cut your hair, if not the headmaster will punish you!

Matthew Wee: "CEPAT! CAPAT! CAPAT!!"

8 June 2009


This video collections confirmed that I am still young, younger than the young :p
Enjoy the slides.

Want to be young? join me lah :P

(Song "Testify" by African Children Choir)

7 June 2009

Same pattern

I tot this is Joyce's trademark posing

see..always the same pose

Until I see this:

Everyone are posing Joyce's trademark pose...must be the same teacher lah..I think..haha!

5 June 2009

Tommorrow I'll be YoUnG!!

Date: 6 June 2009 (Not my birthday)
Time: 4.00am (can wait up meh?!)
Place: Here.
No: 14 "youths" (include the "not so young"man) + 3 (just come to makan only)

Result: Up! Up! and Away!!!