16 June 2006

For You, My Dear Friend . . .

你會說:「這是不可能的。」 神卻說:「凡事都能。」(路 18:27)
你說:「我太累了。」 神說:「我給你安息。」(太 11:28)
你說:「沒有人真正關心我。」 神說:「我愛你。」(約 3:16 約13:34)
你說:「我支持不住了。」 神說:「我的恩典夠你用。」(林後12:9 詩91:15)
你說:「有很多事情,我不能解決。」 神說:「我必指引你的路。」(箴3:5-6)
你說:「我不能作這事。」 神說:「你凡事都能作。」(腓 4:13)
你說:「我不能。」 神說:「我能夠。」(林後 9:8)
你說:「我不能原諒自己。」 神說:「我寬恕你。」(約壹1:9羅8:1)
你說:「我應付不來。」 神說:「我會供應你的所需。」(腓4:9)
你說:「我很害怕。」 神說:「我賜給你的,不是一個膽怯的心。」(提後1:7)
你說:「我經常憂慮和沮喪。」 神說:「將一切的憂慮卸給我。」(彼前5:7)
你說:「我的信心不夠。」 神說:「我所分給各人的信心,是我量度過的。」(羅12:3)
你說:「我不夠聰明。」 神說:「我給你智慧。」(林前1:30)
你說:「我覺得很孤單。」 神說:「我總不撇下你,也不丟棄你。」(來13:5)
(賽 48:17)

10 June 2006

To Freshies: Spend the Years with God

Why have you come to College? “Well, because my parents want me to.” “Well, because I want to get a diploma.” “Oh, God sent me here.” “I am not exactly sure.”
Are you in this bind? Here are some possible solutions.

Remember how the Lord says in Isaiah 5 that he planted Israel like a vineyard in order to get fine grapes? It’s the same today. He has planted you on this campus and expects a yield: righteous character and godly acts.

Practically, God wants you to be honest, attentive to His Word, diligent in study, concerned for others, a servant (like the good Samaritan) to the underprivileged-those who suffer from forces beyond their control.

In addition He is like an artisan working the clay. He wants to shape you to the image of His Son. Has He already sent a discouraging experience to toughen your faith, or a joy to remind you of His goodness?

Third, God’s plan calls for you to be on this campus this year for use as an instrument in His hand to encourage other Christians on campus. Christians can be encouraged by your fellowship, supported by your prayers, comforted by your sympathy, strengthened by your association, taught by your example. Keep your eyes open for at least one other Christian to get together with to read God’s word and pray. Pray for him to become “rooted and built up in him and established in the faith” (Colossians 2:7).

Fourth, God will use you as a witness to those who haven’t yet received Christ Jesus. This College is a mission field. Many are hungry for the Bread of Life – they may be students or staff.

Here’s a suggestion: Early in semester, write on your prayer list the name of at least one student, maybe a roommate or classmate, who has no testimony for Jesus Christ. Pray for his salvation. Why not add the name of at least one of your lecturer to your prayer list? If you have a Christian lecturer, pray that he will grow in the Lord, and that the Holy Spirit may find him a usable instrument. And then pray for your lecturers who don’t know Christ.

Finally, you’re at this College this year to serve as one of the dwelling places for God’s Spirit at this institution. Wherever you are and whatever you do, let them see Jesus.

1 June 2006




The path may seems to be very difficult and challenging.

But always remember, I am always there for you!

Don't give up!