25 March 2007

Growing Up III, Painful....


Last weekend, Joyce were enjoying growing up with her 7 teeth and life is full of wonderful things, at least for a 18 months old girl. Today (in fact on 21 March), growing up is not fun anymore for her, sad....

On Wednesday** (21 march) characteristic spots started to appearing on her body, mainly on her body and head rather than the hands and becoming itchy raw pox, small open sores that we realised IT IS......


Chickenpox according to Wikipedia is "...caused by the varicella-zoster virus (VZV), also known as human herpes virus 3 (HHV-3), one of the eight herpes viruses known to affect humans..."

Also "Chickenpox has a 10-14 day incubation period and is highly contagious by air transmission two days before symptoms appear. Following primary infection there is usually lifelong protective immunity from further episodes of chickenpox. Recurrent chickenpox is fairly rare but more likely in people with compromised immune systems."

"The chickenpox lesions (blisters) start as a 2–4 mm red papule which develops an irregular outline (rose petal). A thin-walled, clear vesicle (dew drop) develops on top of the area of redness. This "dew drop on a rose petal" lesion is very characteristic for chickenpox. After about 8–12 hours the fluid in the vesicle gets cloudy and the vesicle breaks leaving a crust. The fluid is highly contagious, but once the lesion crusts over, it is not considered contagious. The crust usually falls off after 7 days sometimes leaving a crater-like scar. Although one lesion goes through this complete cycle in about 7 days, another hallmark of chickenpox is the fact that new lesions crop up every day for several days. Therefore, it may take about a week until new lesions stop appearing and existing lesions crust over. "

So, little Joyce really suffered from these "fluid" as it is very itchy and it is so itchy that she can't help scratching them with her figures...OH NO! Don't do that, it will leave scar on your beautiful face, my dear!! Alamak...growing up is more painful for papa leh...

Take care, my little girl.... growing-up is not always easy, your brother Lucas can confirmed that, for he also experienced it.

Don't worry, after this you will be immune. But wikipedia said "Second infections with chickenpox occur in immunocompetent individuals" ...

How ah? growing-up...itsh...painfullllll.....

**Joyce was the 3rd to be infected after Siew Lee and Matthew who got it 2 weeks ago believed to be contacted the virus in Sungai Rambai during CNY. And now, we are keeping a close eye on Lucas, who will be the last one in the family who have YET to develop "pox" :-)

24 March 2007

改变 C.H.A.N.G.E


一位印度教徒,一位回教徒 和一位基督教徒一起旅行
農夫說,沒問題 但只有兩個人有房間
印度教徒說,我去 說完,他就過去
幾分鐘後,他回來敲門說 我沒辦法待在那裏
那裏有頭牛 牛在印度教裡是很神聖的
回教徒就說,那我去 於是他就過去了
幾分鐘後,他回來敲門說 我沒辦法待在那裏
那裏有隻豬 豬在回教里是不潔淨的
最後基督徒說,我去好了 他就去了

弟兄姐妹们,你知道为什么今天你会在这里吗?因为有主耶稣在的生命里。给你身边的弟兄或姐妹一个微笑,告诉她说不要做一个不但人看到会怕,连动物看到都不敢靠近的基督徒。再给他一个拥抱,再对她说:要改变成人见人爱的基督徒,哈里路亚!Oh YES!!


1.Natural man: 自然人
2. Unlearned Man: 还没被教导,无学问的人;无教育的
3. Carnal man: 属肉体的人;世俗的;物质的
4. Spiritual Man: 属灵人

这四个格子就是所谓的“门徒发展模式” Discipleship Matrix。
它是从自然人开始:就是所谓的无神论者,不相信神的人。信主过后,当他成为基督徒时将会把他从自然人改变成为另一个阶段、范围的 Unlearned Man 还没有受教导的人。

在这个阶段,他还没有被教导有关神的事情、神的话语,也还没有被教导有关神的智慧和属性。门徒模式的目的是要把他从Unlearned Man改变成属灵的人。但要从这个阶段进入属灵的阶段,可能会出现变数,他可能会绕道 detour到 Carnal Man这里。当一个信徒,就是一个认识神的话语、神的属性和神的智慧的信徒没有在属灵成熟上成长,并且继续活在属肉体和物质的层面上,他就是一个属肉体的人。


普遍启示 vs. 特殊启示 (General vs Specific Revelation)



当耶稣来到时,就让我们对神有更详细、更明确的认识神。所以耶稣在约14:9宣告说:人看见了我 ,就是看见了父。因为耶稣基督,教会成了神在世上的代表,去将神显明给世界。但是问题是:教会不懂的怎样做。如果一个被安排来显明神的代表不懂的怎样做的话,那他就让自然人去产生许多世俗的方法和世界的教导来去蒙蔽人。我们需要重新把耶稣带到世界里。在耶稣基督里所启示的,其中心课题是爱,然而没有人认识爱,除非我们明白神在耶稣基督里的自我启示,爱就是神向人的启示。我们所有关于爱的认知与原则都集中在耶稣基督里。而耶稣基督的确在人的历史中以血肉之躯出现过。潘霍华说:「凡看过耶稣基督的人就看见了神与世界在一体中显现。从此她不会只见神而不见世界,也不会只见世界而不见神。耶稣基督是神又是人, 在神与世界中间,成为历史的中心,让人与神和好。」



10 耶 和 华 如 此 说 : 为 巴 比 伦 所 定 的 七 十 年 满 了 以 後 , 我 要 眷 顾 你 们 , 向 你 们 成 就 我 的 恩 言 , 使 你 们 仍 回 此 地 。11 耶 和 华 说 : 我 知 道 我 向 你 们 所 怀 的 意 念 是 赐 平 安 的 意 念 , 不 是 降 灾 祸 的 意 念 , 要 叫 你 们 末 後 有 指 望 。
10 This is what the LORD says: "When seventy years are completed for Babylon, I will come to you and fulfill my gracious promise to bring you back to this place. For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.





5你 们 要 盖 造 房 屋 , 住 在 其 中 ; 栽 种 田 园 , 吃 其 中 所 产 的 ;
6 娶 妻 生 儿 女 , 为 你 们 的 儿 子 娶 妻 , 使 你 们 的 女 儿 嫁 人 , 生 儿 养 女 。 在 那 里 生 养 众 多 , 不 致 减 少 。
7 我 所 使 你 们 被 掳 到 的 那 城 , 你 们 要 为 那 城 求 平 安 , 为 那 城 祷 告 耶 和 华 ; 因 为 那 城 得 平 安 , 你 们 也 随 着 得 平 安 。
8 万 军 之 耶 和 华 ─ 以 色 列 的   神 如 此 说 : 不 要 被 你 们 中 间 的 先 知 和 占 卜 的 诱 惑 , 也 不 要 听 信 自 己 所 做 的 梦 ;
9 因 为 他 们 托 我 的 名 对 你 们 说 假 预 言 , 我 并 没 有 差 遣 他 们 。 这 是 耶 和 华 说 的 。

我以 CHANGE改变这个字来看神要我们如何在巴比伦生活,并且成为神在巴比伦的代表,把他显明出来,把基督带给我们身边的人。

1.Commit to Community委身在社区里

2. Habit新的习惯

5我 照 着 耶 和 华 ─ 我 神 所 吩 咐 的 将 律 例 典 章 教 训 你 们 , 使 你 们 在 所 要 进 去 得 为 业 的 地 上 遵 行 。
6 所 以 你 们 要 谨 守 遵 行 ; 这 就 是 你 们 在 万 民 眼 前 的 智 慧 、 聪 明 。 他 们 听 见 这 一 切 律 例 , 必 说 : 这 大 国 的 人 真 是 有 智 慧 , 有 聪 明 !
7 那 一 大 国 的 人 有   神 与 他 们 相 近 , 像 耶 和 华 ─ 我 们 的   神 、 在 我 们 求 告 他 的 时 候 与 我 们 相 近 呢 ?
"These laws that I give you will become the envy of every nation. The other nations will say to themselves, 'What nation is there with such great laws and their God so near to them?'"


3. An Agent with Action有行动的代表
德国著名神学家潘霍华 : Life and convictions of the anti-Nazi martyr Dietrich Bonhoeffer who was executed by Hitler five days before the liberation of the concentration camp in Flossenberg。


《狱中书简》一书流传甚广,深受读者喜爱。卡耳 巴特亦曾说:「《狱中书简》是一根特别的刺。」在狱中,艰困的环境迫使潘氏思考一些神学的基本问题:什么是基督教?在今日,对我们来说基督是谁?在这个非宗教的世界,基督如何能变成其中的主宰?这些书简流露出一个牧者的心肠,潘霍华不但深爱他的同胞,也勇敢地在纳粹政权之前公开地为真理做见证。



4. New (Relationship, Perspective, Methods, New Strategy & New Social Order)新的关系、眼光、方法、策列和社会次序

在圣经里,我们看到耶稣用很多的时间来和那些他要赢取的人建立关系。这是因为关系在事工之前。在你建立关系之前,你永远也不能开展你的事工。建立关系最重要的一环就是“信任” Trust。你很难去处理一个人生命中的问题,除非你得到他的信任。只有在信任被建立起来之后,你才能获得向对方生命说话的权利。Do non-Christians in the world trust you enough for you to speak into their lives?


神要透过人来显明他自己这个异象从来都没有改变过,但是他的方法已经改变了。异象决定方式,而不是方法决定异象。当方法、方式决定异象时,我们就会卡在死的传统里。Social Action-Justice-Charismatic-Evangelical-Transformation.

1. 敌对的方式 Antagonistic model: 就是在教会的四幅墙里面呼喊公义,道德,严厉的指责每一个人,一个都不放过。
2. 非敌对的或友善的 Non-antagonistic model: 在这个世界里成为世界的朋友,融入他们,接触他们,向他们宣告神的计划,向他们说话,并且改变他们。

5. Goal-oriented and God-oriented以神为中心的目标

6. Excel with Excellent迈向卓越的成功

而且,要做就要做的最好!Excel with Excellent!



16 March 2007

I won the Competition!!

On the last day of CNY (4 march), I participated in the Chap Go Meh cooking competition at MCMC. Guess what, I won the "Most Creative" prize for the Fish I prepared. One of the rules for the competition was pork must be one of the ingredients.

So, for the main course, what I did was removing the meat from the fish and slice it, then cut to flatten and filled it with pork, carrot, bamboo shoots, spring onions and wrap it up. Arranged it onto the plate, steamed it and drizzle with seasoning. And it's DONE! :-)

Next, it's the soup (see the small bowl in the photo?) It was prepared with "La-La" (Clam) + Meat Ball (combination of shelled shrimps, minced meat and egg white) + enoki mushroom + ginger + coriander and 6 cups of stock.

There you are, enjoy the meal!

(more photos on the competition, here.)

11 March 2007

Growing Up II, Seven teeth...

Six days from now, Joyce, my little girl will be 18 months old, time flies....
Look at the teeth, she has 7 altogether and she really loves to eat, like mother like daughter...

Onlookers who see her will always says: WAO! What a beautiful eyes she has! and friends and relatives would tease me saying I will have a lot of supper to eat in the future. :-) you know what it means, don't you?

Who say daughter is always "susah" to raise? Look at Joyce and her 7 teeth....Growing!

more teeth here.

5 March 2007

Growing Up, 5 minutes...

Every morning I will walk both of them to school.

Lucas, aged 9, Standard 3 now is schooling in the school in front of our Condo. 5 minutes walk before sunrise. it has been this way since 2005. For Matthew, it's the same to the kindergarten, about 7 minutes.

Today, i decided to let Lucas go by himself, after all it's 5 minutes only. He boldly accepted the challenge, no bad ;-)

"Goodbye, dad, see you!" Lucas put it in a very relax and happy way.... but I felt a bit sad and emptiness in my heart...may be it's time for him to grow up and for me to "grow up" as well, I told my self-letting him go by himself at this moment of life-5 minutes...

When he came back just now, he told me he prefer me to walk him to the school tomorrow, citing loneliness and feeling insecure. I am so relieved he said it first before me ....

A! who says growing up is easy? at least not for me at this moment ;-)

5 minutes may not be that short a distance....

3 March 2007

Taiping...memorable place

My good friend Vincent took this photo at Taiping recently, a place where both of us have been to together with our "girlfriends" :-) some 15 years ago. My girlfriend is now my valentine, but his girlfriend is other people valentine, :-) his valentine is here.

Taiping 太平, a very Nice place to go with your partner, very peaceful place that come with very nice food, especially their "satay lok-lok" and "ice-kacang" and "popiah"...Aiyo, tak boleh tahan liao! Must go this coming school holiday.. Want to join Me?

more Vincent's photos here.