29 December 2006

Kasih-No-Rojak 2

Young talent Matthew Wee @ Jams Bond in action again as Daniel Craig is still contemplating about his role in the next 007 series. :-).
Catch Matthew Mee @ Jams Bond in action here.

Enjoy the show!

16 December 2006


One day, an elderly gentleman who boarded a bus with a bouquet of flowers in his hand. As he sat down, he noticed an attractive young girl sitting across from him. Her eyes kept drifting over to the flowers. It was obvious that the flowers attracted her. In a few minutes it was time for the man to get off the bus. Standing to his feet, he handed the flowers to the girl and said, “I noticed that you like flowers. I would like you to have these. I think my wife would like for you to have them, too. I’ll tell her I gave them to you.” With that, he stepped off the bus…and entered the gate of a small cemetery.

The beauty of the story is that the man gave the “gifts” that he had to someone who could use and appreciate them. Rather than keeping it with him, he gave it away and invested in the future.

Mother Theresa, one day while boarding a train in India, she lost one of her sandals. As it tumbled to the tracks, Mother Theresa attempted to reach it—but failed to do so. At that point, she did a strange thing. She removed her other sandal and tossed it on the track next to the first one. When her fellow passengers asked her why he’d done it, she simply replied, “When some poor fellow finds that first sandal, now he’ll have a pair of sandal he can wear.

I am frequently struck by this simple way of showing love to people who are in more needs than us. In the Bible, John 3:16 says, “For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”

The story of the born Jesus Christ can be found in the book of Luke 1 where the birth of Jesus was foretold to Mary and she obeyed the Lord by replying: "I am the Lord's servant," Mary answered. "May it be to me as you have said." Then the angel left her. See here for more, as well of here.

As we enter the seoson of Christmas celebration, I’d like you to have the greatest gift/love of your life—Jesus Christ. It’s my sincere hope that you will find the real joy of Christmas: For Christians—that is the joy of giving and sharing; as for those of you who are still searching, the joy of receiving the greatest gift of your life time.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

13 December 2006

Let’s win the Race 赢得竞赛!

腓 立 比 书 三 12-16

12 这不是说,我已经得着了,已经完全了。我乃是竭力追求,或者可以得着基督耶稣所以得着我的。(所以得着我的或作所要我得的)
Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.

13 弟兄们,我不是以为自己已经得着了。我只有一件事,就是忘记背后努力面前的,
Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead,

14 向着标竿直跑,要得 神在基督耶稣里从上面召我来得的奖赏。
I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.

15 所以我们中间凡是完全人,总要存这样的心。若在什么事上,存别样的心, 神也必以此指示你们。
All of us who are mature should take such a view of things. And if on some point you think differently, that too God will make clear to you.

16 然而我们到了什么地步,就当照着什么地步行。
Only let us live up to what we have already attained.

3:1-11 他的过去 >>怎样把地上的万事看为粪土,会计师
3:12-16 他的现在>>还没完成的竞赛,运动员
3:17-21 他的未来>>天国的盼望,天国的国民,地上的旅客。

在这段经文我们要来思考保罗,一位出色的运动员,一位充满属灵能力的运动员,如何向着标竿直跑,来赢得这场竞赛。保罗时常用属灵的眼光/态度(Spiritual Mind)来看待世上的事情,也就是从神的角度来看事情。这样的态度让保罗不会为了发生在他身上的事情──不管是 从前,现在及将来将要发生的事影响他的心以及他对神的信靠。


保罗用了一种运动项目来比喻信仰的生命旅程。对于保罗所指的运动项目,圣经学者普遍上有两个看法:用脚的赛跑 (Footrace)、用马车(Chariot)的竞赛(两轮无蓬马车)。两种都可以,但我个人比较喜欢马车的竟跑──车夫必须要用上他的手力,臂力及脚力来驾驶马车。他还必须要时常保持平衡,以致于不会跌倒,他必须很专注。

保罗在13节:努力面前 stretching forward,stretching as in the race──那种在比赛中需要伸展肌肉、身体的去完成比赛。在这里我们要注意,保罗不是要告诉我们如何才能得救,如果是的话,保罗在1-11节所讲的就没有什么意义了。在古希腊的马车竞赛中,要参加比赛的人必须是公民 Citizen。不是藉着参加比赛而得到公民权。是已经成为公民的人才有资格参加。不只能,也有责任参加。弟兄姐妹们,保罗说我们都是神所拣选的子民(v20),我们都有责任去完成这场竞赛。我们每个人都在跑道上,每个人都有我们的目标去完成。如果我们向着标竿直跑并完成比赛,我们都可以得到奖赏。但如果我们输了,我们会失去这上头来的奖赏。但是我们并不会失去天国国民的身份。这是一个教义 Doctrine,和保罗在林前3:11-15的教导是一样的。


我们每个人都想成为一位得胜的基督徒,并且完成神给我们的生命的目标。什么是完成这场竞赛所需要有的因素呢?有五个 D

1. Dissatisfaction 不自满
V12:这不是说,我已经得着了Not that I have already obtained all this, 这是一位不让自己满足于现况的伟人所作的宣告。很明显的保罗为自己能认识基督为个人最大的成就,满足。但他对自己的基督徒生活并不自满。这种在属灵里的不满足 Sanctified Dissatisfaction是保罗得胜的一个重要因素。
许多时候我们会满足于我们到目前为止的属灵生命,我们有一种自满的心态,特别是和其他基督徒比较的时候。如果保罗也这样比较的话,没有几个人能和他比较。保罗没有。但他如何比较呢?他和“自己”及“基督”比较。在经文中,保罗用了两次“完全”Perfect(12、15)v12:not yet, v15: mature/perfect。一个成熟的基督徒会一直审查自己并不断的要作得更好!

2. Devotion 专注、专心(3:13b)
很少有运动员可以在每一项目中得到冠军。得胜的运动员很多时候都是专注在一个运动项目上 Specialize。只有少数人是十项全能。雅各书1:8「心怀二意的人,在他一切所行的路上,都没有定见。」

3. Direction 方向(3:13c)
一个没有得救的人是活在昨天的人。但一个得救并得胜的基督徒是为明天而活的,那种仰望未来而努力过每一天的基督徒是神所喜悦的。路加福音9:62「耶稣说,手扶着犁向后看的,不配进 神的国。」想想看,如果在竞赛中,马车上的选手往后看,会有什么后果呢?撞车咯!
我们时常以昨天,今天及明天的方式来看时间。但保罗教导我们以未来、明天,今天及昨天的逆向思考方式来看时间。忘记背后,努力面前 Future oriented。
这里指的“忘记”不是失去记忆。我们都不想记住不愉快的事情, but we cannot。圣经中的“忘记” to forget 是不再被过去所发生的事情影响我们──no longer to be influenced or affected by past experience。圣经说上帝是公义的,不会计较我们的过犯:不是神会忘记,而是我们的罪不会影响我们和神的关系,他一样爱我们。所以保罗说:“忘记背后”不是叫我们洗脑,而是叫我们破除过去的辖制,并为明天而活 Break the power of the past by living for the future。我们不能改变过去,但我们能改变过去对我们的影响,改变过去对我们的意义 we cannot change the past, but we can change the meaning of the past。这些过去的经历并没有,也不能改变。但我们对这些事情的看法,态度,意义及面对的方式可以改变。约瑟,保罗,彼得,大卫,约拿等。

4. Determination 决心
“I press” 向着标竿直跑,竭力追求,带着无比的决心!

5. Discipline 纪律(3:15-16)
运动员是需要遵守比赛规则的。在马车竞赛中,犯规的运动员就是输了比赛(但记得,他不会失去公民权)。一样的在需要旅程中,我们有属灵的规则需要遵守。林前9:24-27,「岂不知在场上赛跑的都跑,但得奖赏的只有一人。你们也当这样跑,好叫你们得着奖赏。凡较力争胜的,诸事都有节制。他们不过是要得能坏的冠冕。我们却是要得不能坏的冠冕。所以我奔跑,不像无定向的。我斗拳,不像打空气的。我是攻克己身,叫身服我。恐怕我传福音给别人,自己反被弃绝了。」提后2:5「人若在场上比武,非按规矩,就不能得冠冕。」这个规则不是由你决定,而是由裁判怎么说。弟兄姐妹们,我们有一天都要站在神的审判台上。(罗14:10-12 你这个人,为什么论断弟兄呢?又为什么轻看弟兄呢?因为我们都要站在 神的台前。经上写着,主说,我凭着我的永生起誓,万膝必向我跪拜,万口必向我承认。这样看来,我们各人必要将自己的事,在 神面前说明。)这里保罗用 Bema,也就是在Olympic game所用的颁奖台是同一个字。
如果我们保持纪律,那一天我们要站在 Bema上领奖、受审判!
v14 要得 神在基督耶稣里从上面召我来得的奖赏。One day we will all stand before the bema to receive our rewards.就是这种从上面来的奖赏激励保罗去完成他生命的目标,跑到终点!

11 December 2006

钱!钱!钱!之 在债务上得自由

在债务上得自由 Debt Free


第一阶段: 在债务上自由 Debt Free


箴22:7富 户 管 辖 穷 人 ; 欠 债 的 是 债 主 的 仆 人 。
The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender.

第二阶段: 为将来储蓄 Savings for Future Needs


箴21:20智 慧 人 家 中 积 蓄 宝 物 膏 油 ; 愚 昧 人 随 得 来 随 吞 下 。
In the house of the wise are stores of choice food and oil, but a foolish man devours all he has.

第三阶段: 投资你的盈余 Investing your Surplus


太25:20-21那 领 五 千 银 子 的 又 带 着 那 另 外 的 五 千 来 , 说 : 主 阿 , 你 交 给 我 五 千 银 子 。 请 看 , 我 又 赚 了 五 千 。
21 主 人 说 : 好 , 你 这 又 良 善 又 忠 心 的 仆 人 , 你 在 不 多 的 事 上 有 忠 心 , 我 要 把 许 多 事 派 你 管 理 ; 可 以 进 来 享 受 你 主 人 的 快 乐 。

20 The man who had received the five talents brought the other five. 'Master,' he said, 'you entrusted me with five talents. See, I have gained five more.'
21 "His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!'

第四阶段: 多元化你的投资 Diversify your Investments

传11:2你 要 分 给 七 人 , 或 分 给 八 人 , 因 为 你 不 知 道 将 来 有 甚 麽 灾 祸 临 到 地 上 。Give portions to seven, yes to eight, for you do not know what disaster may come upon the land.



什么是负债?负债是一种欠款或借款。Webster’s says that debt is that which one is bound to pay or perform; an obligation; the state of owing something. 神没有说我们不能借贷,但是他对「担保surety-没有一个稳妥方法的债务偿还」提出警告。如果有足够的抵押来担保贷款,那这个债务就不是「担保」。




1. 无知
2. 放纵
3. 没有好好的计划

1. 第一种说法-举债是不被允许的
2. 举债是平常的-神藉着它来达成人的需要。
虽然「债务」不是罪,但它也不是一种正常的生活方式。在圣经中债务通常被形容为负面多于正面的(申28:44-45)。圣经里说,债务是危险的,如果债务是无可避免的,我们要很小心的处理;以祷告的心态面对,因为它会使人落入财务上的辖制(Financial Bondage)箴22:7。


1. 负债使人对明天充满「假设」。当人们委身在一个长期的债务付款中,他们假设不会有“减薪、失业或其它额外的开销。这样的的心态是一种错误的「假设」(箴27:1)。
2. 负债降低以后的生活水准。借来的钱需要加倍的偿还。明天比今天更贵,明天需要被补偿。
3. 负债使人专注在虚假的决定,而不是真实生活的决定-它使人专注于每月可以付清多少钱而不是总成本(价钱,总开销,财务/利息开销等)。
4. 负债使人活在「复利」的辖制之下。
5. 负债推延上帝的计划。使人依靠自己而不等候神。
6. 负债是人对「需要、欲望、想要」的认识模糊了。债务使欲望变成想要的东西,而想要的东西变成需要了。
7. 负债鼓励临时性的购买及超出计划的开销。
8. 负债抑制资源,简朴的生活方式已经被丢弃了。
9. 负债消除家庭的财务计划-还债多于其它的家庭计划。
10. 负债教导孩子们世界处理财务的方法是平常及可接受的。


1. 先给神-将最好的十一奉献给神
2. 停止借贷-特别是消费式的借贷
3. 发展出一种平衡性的开销习惯
4. 和债主拟出一个偿还的计划
5. 学习依靠神
6. 操练节制-如果不在预算里,不要购买
7. 寻求咨询-属灵长者依靠神的话-以神的话来理财,不是以世界的方式。


I. 屋子贷款


II. 汽车

1. 检查你的动机
2. 决定你的需要
Honestly evaluate your real need for a car.
If you determine your need justifies a purchase, buy a used car. Generally speaking, it is a much better buy.
Shop for value, not always the lowest price.
Save for your car and pay cash. However, if you must borrow, go through an institution other than the dealership. Arrange for a simple interest loan from a bank or other financial institution, not the dealership.
Make sure your loan has no pay-off restrictions.
Finally, rather than trading in your old car, sell it yourself.

3. 换车?看一看以下例子:每四年换一辆新车的生命期及贷款总数

最后、一 些 提 醒

1. 和家人讨论并只买在预算里的东西,不要现买后付Agree with your spouse and commit to purchase only in accordance to the budget, don’t buy now and pay later.
2. 不断的分辨「需要」和「想要」Constantly distinguish between need and desires.
3. 避免「突发性」的购买Avoid “impulse buying”- determine the need and do comparative shopping. You and God, not the salesperson, determine your need.
4. 如果收入减少了,调整你的开销,不要举债If income decreases (permanently or temporarily), make adjustment by lowering your level of expense, not by going into debt.
5. 不要仓促购买,心里没有平安就不买Don’t rush yourself in the area of expense, if you don’t have peace, don’t buy.
6. 等待减价Take advantages of sales. Planning allows you to know your needs in advance.
7. 购买大物件时,咨询长者的意见When considering a major purchase, consult others or refers to Consumers’ guide.
8. 维修比购买新的便宜Consider repairing than buying new.
9. 不要使用信用卡购买你付不起的东西Charge card/credit cards: don’t use charge card to buy things you cannot afford at the moment and pay later.

1 December 2006

钱!钱!钱!之 财务管理和管家意识的相对

明白财务管理和基督徒管家意识的分别 Financial Planning Vs Biblical Stewardship

马太6:19-21所提:「积财在天」及后在路12:16-21,34「16 就用比喻對他們說、有一個財主、田產豐盛.17 自己心裡思想說、我的出產沒有地方收藏、怎麼辦呢。18 又說、我要這麼辦.要把我的倉房拆了、另蓋更大的.在那裡好收藏我一切的糧食和財物。19 然後要對我的靈魂說、靈魂哪、你有許多財物積存、可作多年的費用.只管安安逸逸的喫喝快樂罷。20 神卻對他說、無知的人哪、今夜必要你的靈魂.你所豫備的、要歸誰呢。21 凡為自己積財、在 神面前卻不富足的、也是這樣。34 因為你們的財寶在那裡、你們的心也在那裡.」

16And he told them this parable: "The ground of a certain rich man produced a good crop. 17He thought to himself, 'What shall I do? I have no place to store my crops.'
18"Then he said, 'This is what I'll do. I will tear down my barns and build bigger ones, and there I will store all my grain and my goods. 19And I'll say to myself, "You have plenty of good things laid up for many years. Take life easy; eat, drink and be merry." '
20"But God said to him, 'You fool! This very night your life will be demanded from you. Then who will get what you have prepared for yourself?'
21"This is how it will be with anyone who stores up things for himself but is not rich toward God."
34For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

这段经文的重点是「收藏我一切为我所有及享受」。这种理财的方式是主耶稣自己所不允许的。因为它并没有平衡「收藏」(saving)和「慷慨的奉献」(generous giving)。


当我们谈到满足个人的欲望时,我们要被提醒我们只是神所托付的管家。所要求于管家的,就是忠心。虽然我们知道神要我们透过金钱来扩展神的国,譬如资助福音的工作和宣教士。但如果我们不在财务上得自由,并作财务上的一个好管家,并把我们所拥有的---- 财富、时间、家庭、教育、甚至于未来时间里赚取的能力--- 的主权交回给神,那以上的要求就很难会达到了。


1. 供应你自己及家人的需要
8If anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for his immediate family, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.
这个原则也延伸到为你年老的日子预备并把神所托付的传、留给下一代 (英文称“Posterity”:the heritage we leave our children and the generations that come after us)

2. 在财务上得自由以变能事奉神
储蓄及投资的其中一个主要目标是要减少我们对金钱的依赖性,好让我们有更多的自由来事奉神(如果这是神在你生命中的计划)。The more income our savings and investments produce, the less we are dependent on income from our job.

3. 以便能开展你的事业

要有多少财富才算足够了呢?有些人在达到以上的目标后,仍然继续累积财富。我们应该设定一个目标,当目标达到以后,我们应当把多余的给出去。这样的目标能防止我们落入「积财在地上」Hoarding 的网罗里。


9People who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction. 10For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.

不要让金钱阻碍我们和神的关系。不是金钱有问题,而是指向「那些」(Those who want) 想要发财的人并对金钱有错误态度的人。这里两个对比带出貪戀錢財并想要发财的人及想要成为一个好管家的人不同的动机和心态贪爱钱财会使得我们轻视上帝。我不是说成为富有的人是错的,我们应当为神让许多忠心的好管家成为富有的人而喜乐。成为富有并没有错,如果这是因为你是一个忠心的好管家。


我们如何处理财富所带来的挑战呢?提前六17-19,神透过保罗给富有的人一系列的指示,来帮助我们保持对他专注的爱心, 不偏离他的道。

1. 不要自负,不要心高气傲 (Do not be conceited)
提前6:17「 你要囑咐那些今世富足的人、不要自高、也不要倚靠無定的錢財.只要倚靠那厚賜百物給我們享受的 神。」
17Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.

财富会产生骄傲,让人自负。雅各书1;9-10 「 卑微的弟兄升高、就該喜樂. 富足的降卑、也該如此.因為他必要過去、如同草上的花一樣.」
9The brother in humble circumstances ought to take pride in his high position. 10But the one who is rich should take pride in his low position, because he will pass away like a wild flower.

2. 不要把信心托付在财富上 (Do not place confidence in your assets)
提前6:17「 你要囑咐那些今世富足的人、不要自高、也不要倚靠無定的錢財.只要倚靠那厚賜百物給我們享受的 神。」

3. 慷慨给予 (Give generously)
18-19「 又要囑咐他們行善、在好事上富足、甘心施捨、樂意供給人、[供給或作體貼] 為自己積成美好的根基、豫備將來、叫他 們持定那真正的生命。」18Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. 19In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.

金 钱 的 使 用:4 个 优 先 分 配

I. 神 的 工 作
1. 亚 伯 拉 罕 献 上 十 一 给 麦 基 洗 德: 创 14
2. 利 未 27:30 地 上 所 有 的 , 无 论 是 地 上 的 种 子 是 树 上 的 果 子 , 十 分 之 一 是 耶 和 华 的 , 是 归 给 耶 和 华 为 圣 的 。'A tithe of everything from the land, whether grain from the soil or fruit from the trees, belongs to the LORD; it is holy to the LORD. 箴 言 3:9-10。 献 上 十 一 是 对 神 主 权 的 承 认。

II. 家 庭 的 需 要
1. 保 罗 的 提 醒: 提 前 5:8:提前5:8「人若不看顧親屬、就是背了真道、比不信的人還不好.不看顧自己家裡的人、更是如此。」。这个原则也延伸到为你年老的日子预备并把神所托付的传、留给下一代。
2. 需 要 Needs: 腓 4:19

III. 国 家
罗 马 书 13:1-8 7 凡 人 所 当 得 的 , 就 给 他 。 当 得 粮 的 , 给 他 纳 粮 ; 当 得 税 的 , 给 他 上 税 ; 当 惧 怕 的 , 惧 怕 他 ; 当 恭 敬 的 , 恭 敬 他 。7Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.
提 多3:1 你 要 提 醒 众 人 , 叫 他 们 顺 服 作 官 的 、 掌 权 的 , 遵 他 的 命 , 预 备 行 各 样 的 善 事 。1Remind the people to be subject to rulers and authorities, to be obedient, to be ready to do whatever is good

IV.债 务
1. 偿 还 债 务: 箴 言3:27-28, 诗37:21恶 人 借 贷 而 不 偿 还 ; 义 人 却 恩 待 人 , 并 且 施 舍 。The wicked borrow and do not repay, but the righteous give generously;
2. 债 务 的 反 面: 箴 言 22:7 富 户 管 辖 穷 人 ; 欠 债 的 是 债 主 的 仆 人 。The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender, 提 后 2:4。

V. 其 他:
1. 盈 余 的 分 配
2. 更 多 给 予 神 的 工 作: 林 前 9:6-14, 路8:2-3。
3. 给 有 需 要 的 人: 林 后 8:12-15, 徒4:34, 箴 言 28:27
4. 投 资: 箴 言 21:20, 诗112:3。
5. 满 足 自 己 的 消 费: 传 5:19-20, 腓 4:12, 诗 103:5


「收藏」(saving)和「慷慨的奉献」(generous giving)。

少年财主的挑战 (马太19:16-22 )
16 有 一 个 人 来 见 耶 稣 , 说 : 夫 子 ( 有 古 卷 : 良 善 的 夫 子 ) , 我 该 做 甚 麽 善 事 才 能 得 永 生 ?
17 耶 稣 对 他 说 : 你 为 甚 麽 以 善 事 问 我 呢 ? 只 有 一 位 是 善 的 ( 有 古 卷 : 你 为 什 麽 称 我 是 良 善 的 ? 除 了 神 以 外 , 没 有 一 个 良 善 的 ) 。 你 若 要 进 入 永 生 , 就 当 遵 守 诫 命 。
18 他 说 : 甚 麽 诫 命 ? 耶 稣 说 : 就 是 不 可 杀 人 ; 不 可 奸 淫 ; 不 可 偷 盗 ; 不 可 作 假 见 证 ;
19 当 孝 敬 父 母 , 又 当 爱 人 如 己 。
20 那 少 年 人 说 : 这 一 切 我 都 遵 守 了 , 还 缺 少 甚 麽 呢 ?
21 耶 稣 说 : 你 若 愿 意 作 完 全 人 , 可 去 变 卖 你 所 有 的 , 分 给 穷 人 , 就 必 有 财 宝 在 天 上 ; 你 还 要 来 跟 从 我 。
22 那 少 年 人 听 见 这 话 , 就 忧 忧 愁 愁 的 走 了 , 因 为 他 的 产 业 很 多 。

The Rich Young Man
16Now a man came up to Jesus and asked, "Teacher, what good thing must I do to get eternal life?"
17"Why do you ask me about what is good?" Jesus replied. "There is only One who is good. If you want to enter life, obey the commandments."
18"Which ones?" the man inquired.
Jesus replied, " 'Do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not give false testimony, 19honor your father and mother,' and 'love your neighbor as yourself.'"
20"All these I have kept," the young man said. "What do I still lack?"
21Jesus answered, "If you want to be perfect, go, sell your possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me." 22When the young man heard this, he went away sad, because he had great wealth.

29 November 2006


Hi all, catch me in action in my latest 007 series in "Kasih-No-Rojak" shoot in Melaka
Enjoy! :-)

27 November 2006

Dare to be different!

Look at all the Shining Faces now, they were so different the day before! Want to know why such a big changes? Keep coming back to this site! :-)

For those Who Think They are Old Liao!

Wait...., before you give up, read this article, click here

I like this one: .... 中年也要當自強。跟上潮流跟上時代,不被淘汰,不被遺忘,全靠自己努力發奮.... Yes! Oh! Yes! I am the BEST!

22 November 2006

钱!钱!钱!之 上帝和金钱






对于财富与经济,約翰衛斯理(John Wesley)曾經有一段名言,就是:
盡你所能的賺取、盡你所能的節省、也盡你所能的給予(gain all you can, save all you can, and give all you can.)。

为了让我们更加明白神的吩咐,我们来看圣经的金钱观并神怎样用金钱来加强我们与他的关系。要记得,金钱有它的光明面及黑暗面:它只是一个“交易的媒介” (medium of exchange)。只有当金钱被滥用或不正确的使用时,才会产生问题。


1. 为了让我们更加明白神的吩咐,我们来看圣经的金钱观并神怎样用金钱来加强我们与他的关系。要记得,金钱有它的光明面及黑暗面:它只是一个“交易的媒介” (medium of exchange)。只有当金钱被滥用或不正确的使用时,才会产生问题。


1. 神用金钱来加强我们对他的信心。

只有当我们完全信靠他,并知道我们只是财物的管家,神才能透过金钱的祝福彰显他的主权。 太6:32-33-- 這 都 是 外 邦 人 所 求 的 . 你 們需 用 的 這 一 切 東 西 、 你 們 的 天 父 是 知 道 的 。 你 們 要 先 求 他 的 國 、 和 他 的 義 這 些 東 西 都 要 加 給你 們 了 。

2. 神透过钱财来陶造发展我们的忠心。


路16:11--人 在 最 小 的 事 上 忠 心 、 在 大 事 上 也 忠 心 . 在 最 小 的 事 上 不 義 、 在 大 事 上 也 不 義 。
倘 若 你 們 在 不 義 的 錢 財 上 不 忠 心 、 誰 還 把 那 真 實 的 錢 財 託 付 你 們 呢 。

3. 神使用金钱来证明他的爱。

马太7:11-- 你 們 雖 然 不 好 、 尚 且 知 道 拿 好 東 西 給 兒 女 、 何 況 你 們 在 天 上的 父 、 豈 不 更 把 好 東 西 給 求 他 的 人 麼 。

4. 神使用金钱彰显他的信实。


5. 神透过金钱的祝福来使信徒们合一。


6. 神使用金钱来指示方向。


7. 神使用金钱来帮助我们操练节制。


8. 神使用金钱来分辨属灵的成熟度。



1. 使我们忧虑。

太6:25--所 以 我 告 訴 你 們 、 不 要 為 生命 憂 慮 、 喫 甚 麼 、 喝 甚 麼 . 為 身 體 憂 慮 穿 甚 麼 . 生 命 不 勝 於 飲 食 麼 、 身 體 不 勝 於 衣 裳 麼 。

2. 使我们败坏。


3. 神从不用金钱来建立名利。


4. 神从不允许金钱来满足我们个人的欲望。



19 November 2006


(A sermon shared in MCMC on 19 Nov 2006)

約 翰 福 音 4:1-42






1. 撒玛利亚人:在犹太人眼中为“杂种”(犹太+亚述人),就是在血统上和宗教信仰上被外邦人污染、不洁净的人。但是耶稣没有避开这些所谓不洁净的撒玛利亚人,他进入他们的世界。Jesus stepped into their world. (5)

2. She was a Women:在当时,男人是不能和尼人公开交谈的,这样会使他成为不洁净。(7节)。但是耶稣和他谈话,还向他讨水喝。没有任何“歧视”。

3. 耶稣“坐下来”:和他们交通/团契。(6)除此之外,她是被自己人所不接纳的妇人,选择中午12点来打水,要避开其他的人/特别是其他的妇人。但耶稣伸出手来接触她,并且接纳她,耶稣没有向她讲道理。Not religious but relational没有宗教性的,而是以建立友谊关系的方式来和她作朋友。

4. 耶稣听见及看见她的需要(10),就提供她“活水”(13-15)。

5. 耶稣纠正并挑战她的错误观念和信仰:10-14。当时的撒玛利亚人认为雅各井所提供的水是最好的(12),而且这妇人认为耶稣没有工具,井又深(75-100尺)。这里我们看到耶稣和她一来一往的辩论有关“活水”的问题。“活水”对犹太人来说是指“流动的水”而不是“静止不动”的水。所以妇人才会站在井水边问耶稣去那里拿活水。其实是她还没有完全明白耶稣所指的“活水”是指永远的生命。一直到第15节她才明白并且准备好接受福音,虽然她还需要更多的教导。但她开始开放的时候,耶稣就进入下一个阶段,也就是第二道命令。(第一道在第7节)

6. 当撒玛利亚妇人表达了她对“活水”的渴望时,耶稣说:(16)你 去 叫 你 丈 夫 也 到 这 里 来。耶稣当然知道他没有一个正式的丈夫,但是耶稣的命令对这个妇人的属灵旅程很重要—就是她需要自己承认自己的过去是不对的,是罪。所以当耶稣命令她去的时候,她的回答是诚实的。耶稣就才告诉他有关她的过去,就是17-18节:她是一个曾经有五个丈夫的妇人,而现在和他在一起的不是他的丈夫。(18)

7. 19节:妇人就对耶稣有了正面的回应。28-29节就跑到城里带了更多的人来。没有强迫他们,而是要他们来自己经历,然后自己做决定。

8. 3 0节:众 人 就 出 城 , 往 耶 稣 那 里 去 。

9. 39节:相信耶稣,是因为那妇人做见证。

10. 40节:耶稣在那里住了两天。这里有一个很重要的教导—没有宗教的禁忌:接纳他 们,和他们做朋友,进入他们的文化;和他们交流团契,吃他们的食物,一同生活,满足他们的需要。耶稣向他们表现出宽宏和良善。耶稣的态度是谦和的,友善的、面带笑容的。

你知道吗?当你对别人展现笑容时,他的头脑就会指示他打开他的心房(see brain picture on dopamine)。有一项调查说道,就算是没有布道会,只要教会里的弟兄姐妹常常脸带笑容,教会可以增长20%!告诉你自己:要学习常常微笑


1. 锁定你生活中的撒玛利亚人



I. 举目观看,把你的注意力从你自己的需要上转移到别人的需要上。以弗所书6:8。Lift up your eye from your own needs.
II. 举目向神,仰望神,他要祝福你。Lift your eye to the Lord who want to bless you.
III. 举目看其他你身边的人,改变你对别人的看法和态度。Lift your eye to look at other people, change the way you look at other people.


18/35之窗 :18 到35岁的青年人




不要认为年轻人对信仰没有兴趣。Douglas Coupland, 就是那位发明了“X时代”Generation X 的非信徒也公开承认他比其他的X时代更需要耶稣。

为什么是青年人呢?因为神要用他们: 约瑟17,大卫19,撒母耳,耶利米,提摩太19-24,
以斯帖,所罗门,何西亚,但以理,马利亚,约翰,耶稣等。近代有:John Calvin 加尔文 *Systematic Theology 27,William Booth *Salvation army 15, Charles Spurgeon 19, Jonathan Edwards 21, George Williams *YMCA 23, John Wesley 26, George Whitefield 20.

2. 进入他们的世界。Jesus stepped into their world.


MTV: 一个青年人花2小时看电视,2小时听歌,2小时上网,在2小时看电视的时间里有半小时是花在Music Video上面。

3. 没有任何“歧视”,以爱来接纳他们

No Discrimination but acceptance with the heart of love


1. 开放及适应能力很高 Open and Flexible
2. 容易受影响及改变 Impressionable:塑造性很大,当你改变他们转向耶稣时,他们会成为赢取灵魂的大军。59%的年轻人都有负担把耶稣介绍给身边的人。
3. 年轻人是理想主义的 Idealistic.
2/3 看自己为“领袖”
4. 年轻人可以接受新的信仰。

4. 坐下来和他们交通/团契。Sit and Fellowship with them.

你说你要带领青年人到耶稣跟前,你有付出时间的代价来坐下来和他们喝茶交流吗?没有宗教性的,而是以建立友谊关系的方式来和她作朋友。Not religious but relational.

5. 听见及看见她的需要。Hear and See her needs


你知道吗?根据调查,4/10 (43%)去教会的年轻人认为教会在关怀事工方面听见了他们的需要,但是
2/3 (34%)认为教会没有教导他们怎样成为更好的人。
2/3 (36%)说他们不懂的把听到的讲台信息运用在生活上
2/3 (38%)说教会没有帮助他们发现人生的目标
2/3 (36%)认为教会没有帮助他们发展有意义的人际关系,特别是他们和父母及家人之间的关系
3/4 (75%)的年轻人认为教会在牧养工作方面做的不好、不够卓越!


1.教会是呆板,不够弹性的 Church is inflexible
2.教会没有空间给他们:教会不懂的怎样来处理他们。Church has no room for them and don’t really know how to engage them.
3.教会不了解他们 The Church doesn’t understand them

6. 提供她“活水”Meet the need!


1. 和他作朋友
2. 鼓励他们、激励他们
3. 把严肃和激进的基督信仰介绍给他
4. 帮助他们面对生活里面的难处:学业、男你关系、寻找工作等
5. 告诉他们一个更好的生活方式

7. 纠正并挑战她的错误观念和信仰。Correct and Challenge her believe/faith.


8. 要她自己承认自己的过去是不对的。Repentance from the past.


9. 相信耶稣! Believe in Christ!

- 是因为他/他们自己经历神,并不是因为别人讲的,4:42
- 妇人邀请他们 〉他们自己来看、听并经历神 〉撒玛利亚人决定相信耶稣就是弥赛亚

10. 满有能力的新生命,为主做见证!Witness for Christ!

Soul” in Hebrew means: people with great potential!


1 November 2006

Hello! Everybody, I'm 1 year-old!

Here are a few photos taken with MaMa :-)

like me? see more photos here

and this was me when I was 1 month old!

30 October 2006

Call to Glow

Dear SL,


You know what? Life in campus is full of grace and new learning not only for students but for me as well! If you are in a rat race of activity, God can get you out of it. I saw Him get Jasmine out of it.

Jasmine was a freshman when I first knew her, a student with good mind and a pleasing way, attending College on an academic scholarship. She began to do lot of challenging things. In the first place, Jasmine professed to be a Christian and wanted her friends to know Christ. She and Jean started a Bible study in the dorm. Then she gave tuition to the children in the neighbourhood with very minimal charges, another influence for Christ. Next were a Christmas night project, and several other worthwhile things in the Church. At the same time many of jasmine’s hours were going into academic study. It was a busy, stimulating life.

But as the weeks went on, things didn’t seem quite right. The Bible study group didn’t get very far. Friends didn’t seem too interested in Christ. In spite of her ability Jasmine found that studies were growing bigger than she was. A sizeable problem developed over time. Activities seemed to be bumping into one another. Things begun were hard to finish. On and on it went—very unsatisfying, the parts not adding up to the amount she had figured on. The worse thing is, fellow Christians think she is not glowing for Christ, even so, not good enough!! Was this the Christian life?

Now, a year late, Jasmine is a different girl. Did becoming a second year student make the difference? Possibly, a little. Did she have a “scholarship chat” with the Head of School? I don’t know.

I do know that Jasmine now has a serenity (like a sunshine, I’d say.J) which speaks to me of Christ. I know that her roommate and another girl are thinking seriously about Christianity, and that the Bible study is catching fire. Other Christians on campus will tell you that Jasmine has been a great encouragement to them too (she meets regularly with some of them to pray). Her time with God is a fruitful time now. Studies come second to it, but studies now seem to be the proper size (even though she studies more). I can see the beginning of a walk of faith, she is glowing for Christ!

By God grace, I have a chat with her and asked about the change. She said that during the semester break she surrendered all to Christ. Then, when His will was plain to her she followed Him.

It was about April when Jasmine began to understand His will for her time on campus. God was asking her to settle down to do a few things for Him, she concluded—to do them well. He directed her to do three things along with her regular quiet time and studies. In her particular campus situation they made wonderful sense.

  1. She should help lead the evangelistic Bible study, preparing thoroughly for it;
  2. She should pray regularly with the other Christians;
  3. She should have open spaces in her schedule for hanging-out with Non-Christian friends.

And that’s the way she began to live: a few things prayed for, done in His power and with His character and peace. This is the life of faith, a faith that is CALL TO GLOW!!

Dear SL, you can also glow like Jasmine. You can know God’s will for you in the campus. The details may be different from what Jasmine found, but the principles will be the same: surrendering to Him, asking Him to be the manager of “your” time, doing only as much as you can adequately pray for and do in the power of Holy Spirit.

To shine for Him and to glow for Him is a choice. Choose to follow our Lord Jesus Christ who works among the people. Not to glow within the four walls (Church, Christians houses etc.) but to glow in the community (that’s the campus!). Just like what Jesus has commanded in Matthew 5: 13-16

"You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled by men. You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden. Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.”

Be ready SL, gear to glow and glow with Him and for Him!

Take care and god bless!

Your brother,

Chu Kok

27 September 2006

Buying a House?

Thinking of buying a house? Here are some tips you might want to consider before making decision, read on!


Since the cost of housing is perhaps the greatest expense you’ll ever incur, you must study your personal situation, research the possibilities, and pray for the Lord’s guidance in order to make educated decisions about what’s right for you.


One decision you’ll face in your search for housing is whether to buy or rent, which depends on how much you can afford to spend. And the only sure way to determine your spending limit is to live on a budget. With a budget, you know how much is coming in, how much is going out, and areas in which you can cut costs. This allows you to take the monthly amount you’d be paying on a certain house and try fitting that amount into your budget. It should be stated at the outset that buying a house without first checking your budget can place a tremendous financial burden on your family. The resulting stress can destroy your relationship with your spouse.

Of course, buying a house within your budget may require you to settle for a smaller house than you desire. But one thing’s for sure: The less you owe on your house, the faster you can pay it off. Then, you can take the money you were using to make payments and invest it for your children’s college or for retirement. The state of our nation’s economy is another reason to pay off your house early. The continuous buildup of federal debt must eventually produce severe economic consequences. The people with the greatest amount of debt at that time will be likely to suffer most as a result of these consequences.

Thus, we may conclude that living on a budget is the first step in buying a house. But even though your financial situation will be the major factor in determining what type of housing you need, there are other factors that must be considered. Prayerfully give these questions some thought.

1. Is your job secure enough for you to start making a mortgage payment? If not, consider renting instead of buying a house.

2. How long do you plan to stay in the area? If you know you will be staying in the community for at least five years, house ownership may be a good option.

3. What is the economy like in the area you are considering? Is the area growing substantially, and will the house appreciate? You don’t want to be stuck with a house that you can’t sell because of a poor economy.

4. What is the cost of living in the new area? If it is high, it will definitely affect your budget and may change the amount you can afford for housing.

After answering these questions, take the amount you can spend for housing and determine if house payments, including taxes and insurance, upkeep, and maintenance would be equal to or less than rental payments for a similar house in the same area. If they would be, then buying a house may be a wise choice.


If you’ve decided that renting a house is a better option for you at this time, there are several things to consider. First, decide what type of dwelling you want to rent.You can rent a house, apartment, town house, mobile home, or even a room or suite in someone else’s house. The people in your church are often a good source of information about availability, location, and cost of rentals around the area.


If you’ve decided that buying a house fits into your budget and is in your best interest long term, you can begin to look at the options available to you. Included in these options are new and used houses and condominiums.

First you will need to decide whether you want to purchase a new or used house. The advantages of purchasing a new house are that you can design the interior of your house to fit your individual needs. But new houses also have a big disadvantage. With few exceptions, those who bought a new house end up spending more than they planned to spend. Changes made, i.e. renovation, while the house is still new cost a lot of money, and it takes considerable time and mental effort to oversee the renovation of a new house.With used houses, there are several advantages. You know exactly what the house is going to cost and you can get more extras.

Used houses may come with curtains, curtain rods, towel racks, ceiling fans, lights in the closets, light bulbs, built-in cabinet, renovated kitchen/dining area, and occasionally appliances (air-conds, entertainment, fridge, washing machine etc). Be sure the contract states exactly which items will come with the house. One disadvantage of a used house is that it will likely have some wear and tear, which means repairs. The older the house is, the more repairs it’s likely to need. You should always check the heating and air conditioning, roof, water heater, kitchen cabinet, and appliances to see if they are in working condition. You may choose to hire a house inspection service to do this for you.

After the house has been checked, you can decide whether to purchase the house as is or back out of the deal.

This type of a house can be purchased at a relatively lower cost than other used houses. But you’ll need to take into consideration the extra funds for repairs, which will be in addition to the normal housing allocation. Be sure to have the house checked thoroughly, including foundations, roof, plumbing,and wiring, so you’ll know exactly what is wrong with the house before you buy it.

Another option is a condominium. You need to be aware of some additional costs involved above the purchase price, such as maintenance fees and club fees. Be aware that the maintenance fees are subject to change each year, and you have no control over them. This is not a bad option, especially if you don’t want to bother with yardwork.


Now that you’ve decided what type of house you want to buy, you need to decide how to pay for it. In order to serve God in the very best way, the goal of all Christians should be to become debt free—including their homes. If you choose to borrow money to purchase the house, you should make it your goal to pay the house off as soon as possible.

Pay Cash
The best way to buy a house is to pay cash, provided you are financially able to do so. The idea of owning a house debt free is not a new one; in fact, it’s quite ancient. Most families used to own their houses, and those who didn’t were abnormal. Couples who couldn’t afford the large house they wanted followed a procedure that young couples need to follow today.

They would
1. Buy a smaller house;
2. Put a great deal of time and effort into it, thereby improving its value;
3. Sell it; and
4. Buy the next larger size house.

Eventually, these couples got their dream house without going into debt.

Remember: Patience is the key, as the bible says "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. (Galatians 5:22-23)

10 September 2006

Called to be Teacher, Proud to be one...

“Why do you want to be a teacher?”
“Why are you a teacher?”
I remember many years ago when I first started as teacher (lecturer), one of my students asked those questions most people would like to know the answers too.

Is it because of the pay? Limited opportunities in the other sector? The half day spent in School/College? The long holidays? Job security? Or just “nowhere else to go”? Is it a calling or vocation?

Well, may be all of the above or may be not, I don’t quite sure when I started to be one…

But after so many years of being a “Teacher”, I am kind of loving to be a teacher—a great one! Know what? Of all professionals, teachers are the ones most intimately in touch with human lives and their development. Sound good and great huh?! Indeed, it is..

When I finished my STPM, my father suggested to me to enter Maktab Perguruan, I quickly brushed aside his suggestion and telling him I wish to enter university. Then he suggested Law, I declined again by putting Economics my first choice, wanting to end-up working in Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM).

At that time, things seemed to be working out well towards my goal. When I graduated from U and were start to working in a finance company, I received a call from BNM to go for an interview, only later to find out it was an interview for BNM prize for outstanding Economics’ students. I didn’t get the gold prize but were able to establish a rapport with BNM officials (most of them were seniors from the U).

After working for a few years, I decided to do my Master in Economics as that will add more weight to my resume for a BNM job. I started praying for a place where I can work and study part-time. The Lord then made special provision for me to enter TAR College where I managed to study even as I was teaching. After a while, I was shunted into education. But over the years I have seen God’s guiding hand and have learnt some valuable lessons being a teacher. I will call this “Teaching as a vocation”

It’s now my vocation and it is “called to be a teacher”!!

As Ruth Wong put it in her write-up entitled “Called to be a Teacher—A Christian and personal viewpoint.” A vocation

A vocation is not what I decide upon for my own ends. It is assigned by God.
God will adequately equip us for the work to which He has called us.
The Christian is called to walk in His footsteps.

So, to you, who are teaching or in any professions now, render service to your “earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart, just as you would obey Christ. 6 Obey them not only to win their favor when their eye is on you, but like slaves of Christ, doing the will of God from your heart. 7Serve wholeheartedly, as if you were serving the Lord, not men, 8because you know that the Lord will reward everyone for whatever good he does, whether he is slave or free. 9And masters, treat your slaves in the same way. Do not threaten them, since you know that he who is both their Master and yours is in heaven, and there is no favoritism with him. (Ephesians 6:5-8)

Called to be a teacher! Proud to be a Teacher! A Christian Teacher!!

3 September 2006

Called to be a Teacher

Good teacher is like an angel, this picture tells a thousand words . . .

Here is one good article on why people choose to be teacher.

Will follow up with a reflection on why I became a teacher, coming soon!

(CK in action. BB Study Camp, 5-6 Aug, Riviera Bay, Melaka)

Botak Geng II

Dear Botak Geng(s),

Guys, there is a good news for you here and all you need to know about why your head is getting botak :-) here.

By the way, my wife say botak can be sexy also if we look like these photos.

Ha! errrr, trying to comfort the worried husband but my head is not as round as these heads! how?

Urgently need your advise!!

Yours sincerely,

your botak geng (coming soon)

p.s in case u can't visualise how I would look like in bald, here are some clues..see like father like daughter ma, so may be I'd look like this! :-)

(note: photos taken when Joyce was 1 month old)

30 August 2006

Botak Geng

How are you doing? I pray that you are still as young as you are and as you wish!!

You know what? I start losing my hair nowaday and moving toward the new era of my life: Mid-Life as some of my friend keep on reminding me: Mr Wee, you are entering the "mid-life crisis" stage!! (ERRR!!) (I can see some smiling faces out there, especially my "Botak Geng" who I'm joining them soon! HAHA!)

Oh! Dear! Don't remind me on that please!! I know, age is catching up on me very fast. But you know what, I still think there are a lot thing that I have not finish, complete and ....many-many work to do before I call it a day! Or put it this way, God has not finish with me yet!

So, with that in mind, althought the next time you see me, I may look "more mature" (he! he!) but you know what? my student always says to me: Sir, you are young at heart!! Ok, ok...you guys must think that I'm trying to comfort myself with all the saying....fine, ok-lah, I am 37 years old, 3 more years to go before entering 40!!

As I was wondering what to do with my "head" and my "hair", I found this song and flash (as attached) that remind me of my dream and remind me of my ultimate goal and purpose of life as written in the bible

Philippians 3 "Pressing on Toward the Goal "

12Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. 13Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. 15All of us who are mature should take such a view of things. And if on some point you think differently, that too God will make clear to you. 16Only let us live up to what we have already attained. 17Join with others in following my example, brothers, and take note of those who live according to the pattern we gave you. 18For, as I have often told you before and now say again even with tears, many live as enemies of the cross of Christ. 19Their destiny is destruction, their god is their stomach, and their glory is in their shame. Their mind is on earthly things. 20But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, 21who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body.

12 这 不 是 说 我 已 经 得 着 了 , 已 经 完 全 了 ; 我 乃 是 竭 力 追 求 , 或 者 可 以 得 着 基 督 耶 稣 所 以 得 着 我 的 ( 或 作 : 所 要 我 得 的 ) 。13 弟 兄 们 , 我 不 是 以 为 自 己 已 经 得 着 了 ; 我 只 有 一 件 事 , 就 是 忘 记 背 後 , 努 力 面 前 的 ,14 向 着 标 竿 直 跑 , 要 得 神 在 基 督 耶 稣 里 从 上 面 召 我 来 得 的 奖 赏 。15 所 以 我 们 中 间 , 凡 是 完 全 人 总 要 存 这 样 的 心 ; 若 在 甚 麽 事 上 存 别 样 的 心 , 神 也 必 以 此 指 示 你 们 。16 然 而 , 我 们 到 了 甚 麽 地 步 , 就 当 照 着 甚 麽 地 步 行 。17 弟 兄 们 , 你 们 要 一 同 效 法 我 , 也 当 留 意 看 那 些 照 我 们 榜 样 行 的 人 。18 因 为 有 许 多 人 行 事 是 基 督 十 字 架 的 仇 敌 。 我 屡 次 告 诉 你 们 , 现 在 又 流 泪 的 告 诉 你 们 :19 他 们 的 结 局 就 是 沉 沦 ; 他 们 的 神 就 是 自 己 的 肚 腹 。 他 们 以 自 己 的 羞 辱 为 荣 耀 , 专 以 地 上 的 事 为 念 。20 我 们 却 是 天 上 的 国 民 , 并 且 等 候 救 主 , 就 是 主 耶 稣 基 督 从 天 上 降 临 。21 他 要 按 着 那 能 叫 万 有 归 服 自 己 的 大 能 , 将 我 们 这 卑 贱 的 身 体 改 变 形 状 , 和 他 自 己 荣 耀 的 身 体 相 似 。

So, lets continue to dream and to dream for God!! And to pressing toward the Goal of our Life: to win the prize for which God has called us heavenward in Christ Jesus.

I may have gave-up on my hairs, but I never give up on my life and my "DREAM" for Him!! You too shouldn't stop dreaming and continue to do BIG things for Him!!

Click here for the flash. Listen to it a few time, you will see and hear something, especially those of you who are like me, entering mid-life and start losing hairs!! Welcome to the "Botak Geng"!! Ha HA! :-)

(first time download may be slow, after running the first time, it'll become smooth then, enjoy!)


相片里 儿时的模样
记录着年少的时光 曾经在你我的心中
要登上月亮 要飞越太平洋

年后 我们都成长
告别了清涩和迷惘 曾经在你我的心中

人生的理想是 为主发光 拭去了泪水使我们更坚强
路依然漫长 别失去了盼望 痛苦时记得有主在你身旁

为主来梦想 为主来发光 虽然有挫折 但我不用沮丧
主是我力量 主指引方向我们的日子有梦想 有灿烂的阳光

Enjoy the Mid-life!!

(Your Botak Geng :-)

p/s sent this flash to a very good fren and decided it should benefit more people, therefore it's here for you, enjoy the song!

23 August 2006

One of the best comment i've ever read . .

see here and enjoy the article ...

Kali ini mesti kasi dia "kaw-kaw" :-)

12 July 2006

Biblical view on Wealth & Economy System

Lately, one student asked me this through email:
"Sir, as a Christian Lecturer, what is your view of Wealth and Free Capitalism?"

Here are my reply:

The love of money is a root of all kinds of evil.” Paul (1 Tim. 6:10)

Store up for yourselves treasures in heaven . . . . For where your treasure is, there your heart will also be.” Jesus Christ (Matt. 6:20-21)

I have heard confessions to every kind of sin—except covetousness.” A Catholic priest.

There are rich people in the Bible: Job, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob were all rich. So, later, was Solomon. The Bible teaches that it is not the amount of our wealth that matters but the way we get it, how we use it, and our ability to sit lightly to it. Paul explains (1 Tim. 6:6-9, RSV):

There is great gain in godliness with contentment; for we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world; but if we have food and clothing, with these we shall be content. But those who desire to be rich will fall into temptation, into snare, into many senseless and hurtful desires that plunge men into ruin and destruction.

Again Paul says to Timothy (vv. 17-18),

As for the rich in this world, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on uncertain riches but on God who richly furnishes us with everything to enjoy. They are to do good, to be rich in good deeds, liberal and generous.

Practicing Christians are likely to be richer than their neighbor. We are taught to work harder, be more trustworthy and responsible, and develop our talents to the full; we are not to gamble or waste our money on conspicuous consumption—it would be odd if all this did not put us ahead.

But Christians are wary, believing that no system, however good, can stay uncorrupted. The Bible has warnings and safeguards against economic power. We must always remember its warnings and who benefits from the freedom to do as they like, and who, if there are no safeguards, will suffer.

Although the economic background to Bible times were very different from our own industry society, but the Bible does lay down some quite sharp guidelines regarding economic activity. The laws were clearly aimed to pass down the capital (the land) of each family intact from generation to generation, and the laws were totally opposed to the accumulation of that capital by the rich and powerful. The legal instrument was the Law of jubilee. Every fifty years, the family farm had to go back to its original owners, and the debts run up in hard times had to be cancelled. Land was the capital of an agricultural society, and the rich were not free to corner it, adding “house to house and . . . field to field.” (Isa. 5:8).

So the biblical model was family capitalism. The family’s independence was to be protected against the state. Naboth was entitled to oppose King Ahab’s demand for his vineyard, and God punished Ahab for seizing it. Other prophets attacked the rich for using their wealth to buy off the judges and rulers. Moving to the New Testament, we find James telling Christians not to give undue deference to the rich, for “Is it not the rich who are exploiting you? Are they not the ones who are dragging you into court?” (James 2:6).

Nowhere in Christians Scriptures, OT or NT, is there any support for an open-ended capitalist system in which the rich get richer while the poor get poorer. The ideal is a society in which each family is under its won vine and its own fig tree (1 Kings 4:25; Mic. 4:4, Zech. 3:10).

Any system should be judged by its results:

1. Is it fair between citizens?
2. Does it give equality of opportunity to earn a living?
3. Does it protect us against exploitation by the rich and powerful?

10 Myths about Examinations

Myth No. 1: Revision based on “Tips”

Many students start their revision based on hearsay, tips or guidance and thought that will be enough.

Fact: The scopes of the examination are based on the subject syllabus, lecture notes and tutorial questions. Therefore, student should first arrange their lecture notes and tutorial questions base on the subject syllabus, and their revision according to the syllabus, not base on tips!

Myth No. 2: “Spot” past year questions will be enough

Many students will take out the past year questions and spot the popular questions and concentrate on these selected questions.

The fact is: spotting questions may lighten the revision load, but the percentage of getting it all correct is very low. Spot question will reduce your chance of getting good result, if you missed it, then instead of getting 4 A, you will get F 4!

Myth No. 3: No time already, sleep a few hours will do

Because of fear of no enough time to prepare, students choose to sleep a few hours only.

The fact is: If you have no enough sleep, you will lose your concentration, you will be physically weak, the less you sleep, the less you read…many problems will come!

Sleep well, eat well and study well!

Myth No. 4: Take 3, Drop 3

Many students will have this idea of too many subjects to handle and decided to concentrate on some paper and drop the others.

The fact is: If you manage and arrange your time properly, you can score and pass all subjects!

Don’t give up any subjects!!

Myth No. 5: Answer base on instinct or what people called “sixth sense”

When come to exam question, a lot of people will quickly answer after a quick glance without proper planning.

The fact is: Answer question without proper understanding and planning will lead to an unorganized answer given.

Read the questions carefully and understand it thoroughly before answering it.

Myth No. 6: The longer I write, the better my answer!

Some students the longer the answer the better and the chance to score good marks is higher.

The fact is: Straight to the point! Elaborate and explain your point with a few sentences. Write short and precise answer with some explanations or elaborations.

Myth No. 7: My handwriting is “like this”, the examiner can understand my writing one!

All this years, my handwriting is like this, how to change in such a short time?

The fact is: If you or your friend cannot understand what you have written, then don’t expect the examiner do.

Write clearly!!

Myth No. 8: Checking my answer? No enough time already!

I don’t even have enough time to finish my answer, where to find time to do final checking?

The fact is: 2 hours examination, 4 questions to answer, and how many minutes for one question? 30 minutes? No! The answer is 20 – 25 minutes. What happen to the balance of 5 – 10 minutes? Read and plan your answer (2.5-5 minutes) and CHECK the answer (2.5 – 5 minutes)! 5 minutes is all you need to make sure your answer the question!

Always check your answers!

Myth No. 9: Time is not important as long as I can finish the questions

I don’t need time management or allocation for each question as long as I can finish doing all the questions.

The fact is: if the time allocated for each question is not balance, some question was spent too much time, some questions too short a time, then don’t expect high mark from question that took up longer time. If each question carries 20 marks, a question that is answer with one-hour time will get the same marks with question that was answered in 20 minutes: 20 marks!

Allocate your time properly for each question!

Myth No. 10: Exam time, no more exercise, no more entertainment!

Study, study, study and study!

The fact is: Some exercise and entertainment will release your pressure, tension and relieve your mind.

Relax…..enjoy the examination!

8 July 2006

My Home, My Haven...

Just a little reflection to share with you:

Mark Hatfield, a retired US senator once said this: “The home is the toughest environment of all for leaders.” Being a father of three, I really agreed with him. Why is it the ones we love most are the ones we are most impatient with?

My wife often said to me, “I wish you were as patient with your children as you are with your colleagues, students, brothers & sisters in-Christ.” She’s right. She reminds me that I’m accountable to God and to my family, and I’m grateful to that. Especially now with the new appointment as programme supervisor in the SBS, TAR College, and with many existing roles and responsibilities to be fulfilled both in the Church as well as preaching/sharing engagement in many places.

I think the greatest problem is our allocation of time, whether or not we let our professions exclude time with our families. If our lives are going to be given only to our professions, then better we had remained as Paul said, unencumbered by marriage and family. But if we do decide to marry and have a family, I am thoroughly convinced one has to set priorities as follow: First, God; second, our families; and third, our professions, and if we put our jobs anyplace higher than third place, we have our priorities askew.

I’ve tried to communicate with my wife and boys (excluding Joyce, 9 months++, but is also learning very fast to stop me every time I’m going out :-) that no matter how busy I am, I am always accessible to them. We need to communicate that verbally but also by our actions. By God grace, I’m still learning and progressing well...

“By profession I am a soldier and take pride in that fact. But I am prouder—infinitely prouder—to be a father.” – Douglas McArthur, American five-star general, World War II.

The Months of July till October will be hectic for me as usual but the following sharing engagements need your prayer support the most:

1. Sharing on Sunday service at Bountiful Grace CMC, Seremban every second Sunday of the month from July—October, i.e.: 9/7, 13/8, 10/9, & 8/10. I will be exploring the following topic with the church—Biblical Stewardship of Money and Wealth Management.

2. Sharing on Sunday service at MCMC, 16/7 on “Leadership

3. “Student Camp”, 5-6 August at Riviera Bay Resort, Melaka with boys and girls of the 2nd Melaka Company, BB (Sungai Rambai CMC) on “How to excel in your Study

4. 12 August: Methodist Adult Fellowship (MAF), Sri Petaling CMC on “Jobs vs. Ministry.”

Your prayer support are very much remembered and appreciated.
“We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us.” (1 Thessalonians 2:8)

I am excited about your participation!!

3 July 2006

CK turned 37 today :-)

(Photo takens in MCMC)

Today, I turned 37 and tot for someone as old as me, I would not have any special celebration for my birthday. U know, guy mah, the most is 2 eggs + "mee-sua", that's all. But to my surprise, I reveived a lot of blessing from my loves one including you! Very touching leh....

So, to all of you who sent me your blessings (sms/emails/calls) and who came (church & home), thank you very very much, you are such a good friends and families too. May God bless you abundantly, click here and here to view my appreciations. Enjoy!

16 June 2006

For You, My Dear Friend . . .

你會說:「這是不可能的。」 神卻說:「凡事都能。」(路 18:27)
你說:「我太累了。」 神說:「我給你安息。」(太 11:28)
你說:「沒有人真正關心我。」 神說:「我愛你。」(約 3:16 約13:34)
你說:「我支持不住了。」 神說:「我的恩典夠你用。」(林後12:9 詩91:15)
你說:「有很多事情,我不能解決。」 神說:「我必指引你的路。」(箴3:5-6)
你說:「我不能作這事。」 神說:「你凡事都能作。」(腓 4:13)
你說:「我不能。」 神說:「我能夠。」(林後 9:8)
你說:「我不能原諒自己。」 神說:「我寬恕你。」(約壹1:9羅8:1)
你說:「我應付不來。」 神說:「我會供應你的所需。」(腓4:9)
你說:「我很害怕。」 神說:「我賜給你的,不是一個膽怯的心。」(提後1:7)
你說:「我經常憂慮和沮喪。」 神說:「將一切的憂慮卸給我。」(彼前5:7)
你說:「我的信心不夠。」 神說:「我所分給各人的信心,是我量度過的。」(羅12:3)
你說:「我不夠聰明。」 神說:「我給你智慧。」(林前1:30)
你說:「我覺得很孤單。」 神說:「我總不撇下你,也不丟棄你。」(來13:5)
(賽 48:17)

10 June 2006

To Freshies: Spend the Years with God

Why have you come to College? “Well, because my parents want me to.” “Well, because I want to get a diploma.” “Oh, God sent me here.” “I am not exactly sure.”
Are you in this bind? Here are some possible solutions.

Remember how the Lord says in Isaiah 5 that he planted Israel like a vineyard in order to get fine grapes? It’s the same today. He has planted you on this campus and expects a yield: righteous character and godly acts.

Practically, God wants you to be honest, attentive to His Word, diligent in study, concerned for others, a servant (like the good Samaritan) to the underprivileged-those who suffer from forces beyond their control.

In addition He is like an artisan working the clay. He wants to shape you to the image of His Son. Has He already sent a discouraging experience to toughen your faith, or a joy to remind you of His goodness?

Third, God’s plan calls for you to be on this campus this year for use as an instrument in His hand to encourage other Christians on campus. Christians can be encouraged by your fellowship, supported by your prayers, comforted by your sympathy, strengthened by your association, taught by your example. Keep your eyes open for at least one other Christian to get together with to read God’s word and pray. Pray for him to become “rooted and built up in him and established in the faith” (Colossians 2:7).

Fourth, God will use you as a witness to those who haven’t yet received Christ Jesus. This College is a mission field. Many are hungry for the Bread of Life – they may be students or staff.

Here’s a suggestion: Early in semester, write on your prayer list the name of at least one student, maybe a roommate or classmate, who has no testimony for Jesus Christ. Pray for his salvation. Why not add the name of at least one of your lecturer to your prayer list? If you have a Christian lecturer, pray that he will grow in the Lord, and that the Holy Spirit may find him a usable instrument. And then pray for your lecturers who don’t know Christ.

Finally, you’re at this College this year to serve as one of the dwelling places for God’s Spirit at this institution. Wherever you are and whatever you do, let them see Jesus.

1 June 2006




The path may seems to be very difficult and challenging.

But always remember, I am always there for you!

Don't give up!

23 May 2006

Marina Mahathir Mohamad's comments on Da Vinci Code

An extract of the writing:


A FRIEND was relating how after her daughter had read the Da Vinci Code, she had wanted to read the Bible. Which is not in itself a bad thing except that she was concerned that an impressionable young mind would not be able to differentiate fact from fiction. Also it seemed that perhaps what was needed is a Da Vinci Code-type book for Muslims to spark off the same level of interest in young people in their own religion.

Except that if anyone tried to write a similar thriller based around Islam, they’d be hounded and pilloried and threatened with death, thousands would riot in protest and people who would never have been able to read the book either because they are illiterate or can’t afford it would have died.

Such is the difference between our religions. While there are many Christians who are upset about the book and movie, they are countering it with seminars and other educational events to balance what is being said in the book, even if the book is only fiction. There have not been Da Vinci Code-related riots or deaths thus far. Which speaks volumes for the adherents of the faith.

Click on the title to read more on her comment.

22 May 2006

The Truth Untwisted . .

Got this from a friend . . .check it out!
ok people, take five and check this out! very cun.....when u came to
the pixs after the cartoonish presentation, just run your mouse over
the pix and certain texts will appear.

Cute-leh! And not ony that, this are truth: untwisted truth!

Turn up your computer speakers to enjoy this.


19 May 2006

m-) & t-)

m-) & t-) . . . myDfren.....